Rob Scanlon's Blog Just some things keeping me busy on the weekends

Stating my Intentions

I'm back!

It's been awhile, perhaps 14 years or so, since I took down my last “personal home page.” I was a fairly early contributor to the web — I built my first home page in 1994, give or take. It went through 3 iterations over the next 3 years, until I took it down in 1997 when I went off to school. Sadly, the wayback machine did not do a very good job of archiving that site, and its contents are forever lost. Sure, it was short on substance (I focused on another website that I was running at the time), but the design wasn’t bad. And it had a pretty awesome animated 3d GIF that I made myself.

Since then my personal web presence has been confined mainly to a couple of private networks. I’ve decided to change that this year, and get back to publishing out to the public web. I have a couple of motivations for doing so, but mainly I’d just like to do a better job of recording my projects, trips, etc for posterity. And maybe somebody will find something here useful one day.

Instead of aggregating all content in one place, I’m just going to link off to existing services for now. In the short term, that means I’ll try to do a better job of posting links & bite-size thoughts onto everybody’s favorite microblogging service. I’ll use this blog as a way to write up some of the projects that I have been doing in my spare time. And I’ll also start putting more content into flikr, stack exchange, etc.

I decided to go simpler than this

Original copycat design

I went with a very simple, one page design for that is intended to quickly link people off to appropriate sites. I originally used the format (pictured to the right), but decided to be slightly more original (and simplistic) in the end. Keeping with the the general theme of disconnected services, I chose to keep my blog theme simple and completely unrelated to the main page.

I’m not sure how long the current design will last — I tend to like to change site designs often. But its as good a place as any to (re)start.

And so ends my inaugural post. Hopefully it will be followed by many more!

